16 July 2008


I was thinking back to graduation, in 2006, and I remember being yelled at for taking off my shoes, because they kept sinking into the grass.

But, I also remember standing in the long line, and Mr. Bryan Franks coming up to me and hugging me, thanking me for the letter I wrote him.

My English teacher senior year, Victory Caldwell/Pope gave us the option on the last day of class to write "thank you" letters of sorts to teachers we liked/appreciated. I wrote one to Mme Babcock, Mr. Demanby and Mr. Franks.

In Mr. Franks' letter, I thanked him for having taught a really good Creative writing class the year before. That class got me "back into" writing, of sorts, and motivated me further to want to write my novel. I told him I appreciated him so much for that, and I will always think fondly of him and his class, amongst other similar things.

"Thank you so much for your letter, Aimee. You are a great girl, and a talented writer. I am going to keep that letter forever."

Mr. Franks is going to be one of the first few to get a free signed copy of my book, whenever I get around to writing it.

Perhaps even dedicated to him.
After all...
He motivated me :)

Now playing: John Mayer - 83
via FoxyTunes

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